Marietta, Georgia




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What should you take to summer camp?


Proper equipment can mean the difference between HAVING FUN while you are at summer camp or being downright miserable! Here is our suggested list of necessary equipment. Double check this list carefully. Ask your Scoutmaster for further suggestions and add a few items of your own. ( NOT TOO MANY ).



   Sleeping bag or Wool or Cotton Blanket

   Sheets and Pillow

   Scout Uniform, Full Class A ( You wear it on the trip there and back and other special times during the week. Have coat hangers to hang it up) OA members bring your sash.

   Troop T-Shirt if you have one for dress and work

   Shoes ( regular and sneakers ) Bring boots if you have them. No open toed shoes or sandals except IN THE SHOWER.

   Rain Gear FOR SURE

   Jacket ( sort of all around )

   Dungarees, blue jeans or extra old pants and long sleeve shirt ( need for Lifesaving and Swimming Merit Badges.)

   Swimming Suit (sturdy pair )

   Cut-offs or shorts

   Shirts, Scouting T-Shirts or regular everyday

   Underpants ( 5 or 6)

   Handkerchiefs ( old )

   Pajamas or whatever you sleep in

   Socks ( 5 or 6 pairs)

   Towels ( 2 )

   Toilet Kit: soap, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair junk

   Clothes Bag ( for dirty clothes)

   Knife, Fork, Spoon, Cup and Plate ( a bowl would help you eat also ) (may be needed for Cracker Barrel)

   Bug Repellent ( 2 cans ) BUGS THINK SCOUTS ARE TASTY

   Flashlight with extra batteries

   Ditty Bag ( for junk ) pocket knife, pencil, pad, compass, camera

   Money for trading post ( as much as you can afford to loose ), money for Merit Badges with a fee and money for lunch on the trip home. You can put the money for lunch on the trip home in an envelope with your name on it and give it to the Scoutmaster for safekeeping if your are afraid you will spend every dime you have at the trading post.

   One very old t-shirt (to wear for camp service project)

   Work Gloves (for camp service project)

   Scout Handbook

   Merit Badge Pamphlets for those Merit Badges you will be taking

   Survival Kit ( certified? )

   Tentage - (you will be in a wall tent or Adirondack and will not need your own tent unless you are taking the Camping Merit Badge )

   Long Pants (we have had very cool nights at summer camp in the past)

   If you are taking the Camping Merit Badge you will need a backpack for the Thursday night backpacking trek. DO NOT GO OUT AND BUY AN EXPENSIVE BACKPACK. TALK TO YOUR PATROL LEADER AND THE QUARTERMASTER!!!




DO NOT BRING: Radios, music boxes, video games, fireworks, or any other material banned from regular Troop campouts.


What should you put all of your STUFF in? A sturdy footlocker works best. Put a spare key in an envelope with your name on it and give it to the Scoutmaster. If you loose your key and have not given a spare to the Scoutmaster he will have to open you lock with the "jaws of death" ( your lock dies ).


While at Camp --

1. Air bedding daily. It will feel more comfortable and SMELL better.

2. Always store your clothes and personal belongings inside a duffle bag, suitcase or footlocker.

3. Don't hang clothes from the tie-bands in your tent. String a line between the tent poles. Bring hangers and hang shirts, trousers, etc. form there.

4. NEVER Leave valuables out in plain sight. Keep them locked up or leave them at home. They may get STOLEN.

5. Your cot will break if you treat it in a rough manner. Never use it for a seat of have more than one person on it at a time.

6. Keep your tent and the area around it clean. Never ditch around your tent, EVER.

7. Never use a candle, lantern or a flame inside a tent. Don't use matches in a tent.

8. Do not keep food in your tent. It is an invitation to 4, 6 and 8 legged visitors.








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