Marietta, Georgia



About Us



Leader Resources 

Trailblazer Jr. 

Troop 204



New E-:Learning Courses:

  • This is Scouting

  • TREK Safety

  • Climb on Safety


Adults- Give copies of your E-Learning certificates to Amy


Check Advancement

Email Lists
Pack leaders to pack
Tigers den members
Wolves den members
Bears den members
Webelos den members
Leaders leaders only



BSA Medical Form


Foothills District Calendar is available on the District Website


Current BSA Medical Form




Pack 204 FAQ Sheet


Pack 204 Camping List






Join us at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center April 29 - May 1!
rocket center

When: April 29th - May 1st

Where: U.S. Space and Rocket Center

One Tranquility Base

Hunstville, AL 35805

Who: Cub Scouts and their families

Cost: $35 per person


Sign Up Here!

Please register by

March 28th.


I will need health forms (and copies of insurance cards) for everyone attending. 


4th of July at Maple Ave!
andrew fireworks maumc alexander
                             204 rocked the parking and concession detail! Good food and fun times with the 204 Family!


Medical Forms Needed!

We still need Medical Forms.  The file may be downloaded HERE.  We need forms for scouts and all family members that may camp with us this year.  We will also need to make copies of both sides of your insurance cards (if insured).  Please include actual immunization dates, where applicable.  Do not write "up to date".  For adults, "child" is sufficient where needed.  If you have any questions, email Amy Berris.

Cub Pack 204 Improves its Communication Skills

We are continuing to improve our communication skills and we have come a long way from the Morse Code that used to be required for First Class Scout.


This web site will continue to provide information about the Pack and will continue to be the longest term source of information. Due to the limitations of web design and update, it will continue to be updated by the webmasters, Tim Shannon and Phil Douglas.


Our new 'official' Facebook page will be a source of immediate or timely information and be a venue for our Den Leaders to post and share information about and within their Den. All posts will be monitored for both content and Scouting values and appropriateness. We encourage posts about Scouting and Cub Pack 204 by all adult members. Cubs are below the minimum age for Facebook.


We will continue to issue email blasts for all persons who have provided a correct email address to the Pack. Make sure that Deborah or Amy have your email address to be included in this.


Communication is at the minimum a two way media. Please let us know your feelings and suggestions about this new addition to our Troop.


Tim Shannon

Assistant Scoutmaster/Webmaster

Troop Administration (Dirty Job)







Are you considering joing Cub Pack 204 and want to know what we do? This web site and our Facebook page should keep you informed. Our Cubmaster is Deborah Alderman and our Pack Committee Chair is Amy Berris.


Got Facebook?



We DO!


Request to join the Cub Pack 204



Scout related discussions and updates. Moderated by our Webmaster


If you are logged in to your facebook account, the above links will take you to the Troop facebook page. Since it is a closed group you must click on join and be approved.








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