Marietta, Georgia




 About Us


 Contact 204














October Cloudland Canyon 27-28-29
November Caving 17-18-19
December Christmas Party 19
January Backpacking 26-27-28
February Caving 16-17-18
March Chickamauga w/ Bikes 8-9-10
April Fun Times in Georgia 3-4-5-6-7
May Rocky Mountain 3-4-5
June Day Hike TBD
July Summer Camp at Woodruff Scout Reservation 14-15-16-17-18-19-20
August Woodfruff 9-10-11
September City Wide Hike & Camping @ SM 14-15
October Cloudland Canyon 26-27-28
November Backpaking 15-16-17
December Christmas Party 17
  Note:  Any Highlighted Location above will have a link for more information.  (State Parks, etc.)  
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Annual Plans






To the Troop 204 Scouts, Scouters and Parents


Click on the blue button, "Annual Plans" to download a pdf file of the Annual Plans.


Every effort has been made to provide you with the most accurate information possible at this time. Normally, we try not to
change an event after the information has been published. However, circumstances sometimes necessitate changing either a
location or a date. We will notify you if this does happen.

Please help us to provide the best possible program for eyeryone by observing or complying with these items:

1. Campout money is due the by 2000 hours (8:00pm) on the Tuesday night BEFORE the week of the campout.
That is---I 0 days before the Friday we leave for the campout. It takes this amount of time to purchase the food
and to be sure that we have adequate transportation for the weekend. These dates are listed on the annual plans.
Effective 1 January 2015, amonnts are $25.00 for most monthly campouts. PLEASE do not ever let $$$
keep you from attending any 204 activity---see the scoutmaster if you have any concerns. Payments made after
the due date will be $35.00

2. Campout departure --in order to give the scouts the most possible time for set up once they arrive at the
campout site, it is essential that the troop leave the church as soon after 1700 hours (5:00 pm) as possible. We
realize that school schedules and traffic make this difficult on occasion. Scouts can help this process by
packing before the afternoon of the campout and by making certain that they have everything they need ready to
go, including survival kits and uniforms. PLEASE, Let Donna or Ted know if you are running late!

3. All medicines should be turned in to Donna or the designated scouter as soon as you arrive at the church.
Please put all medicine in the original container in a zip lock bag with the instructions for dosage. Also
remember to take the medicine home with you when we return.

4. Campout arrival-Normally this is 1400-1430 hours (2:00-2:30pm) on Sunday afternoon.
Return times will be in the Trailblazer. Please pick up your Scout promptly. If you will not be able
to pick up your Scout in person and have arranged for another parent or relative to do this, please let us know
before we leave on the campout. Please be available by cell or home phone so we can notify you of
any necessary last minute changes. Changes and last minute info will be posted on our Facebook page. Not on
FB? Join FB for free and then request to be 204's "friend."

5. Troop meetings are over at 2100 (9:00pm). We try to dismiss at this time, especially during the
school year. Troop leaders with service patrol responsibilities may stay for a few additional minutes
to complete their duties. Early Is On Time ---On Time Is Late!

6. BSA Medical forms and Troop 204 medical release forms are required for all scouts, scouters, and
parents who camp with the troop. All scouts and scouters will be required to have an annual physical
completed by a physician, physician's assistant or a certified nurse practioner. You must use the most recent
version of the official BSA medical examination form.

7. Phone numbers and email addresses-please inform either Ted or Donna when you change phone
numbers, including cell phone numbers, home address, or email address. We need to be able to reach you
in case of emergency or with troop information.

8. Call us if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or problems.

Ted 404-473-8015                                  Donna -404-473-8016



Scout Troop 204 BSA
Copyright © 2003