Venture Crew 204
Marietta, GA





Welcome to the BSA Venturing Crew 204 Website

 Zip Line Adventure

 All timely announcements are made on the Facebook page only. Join us there.

The Crew Advisor is Gene Rome.

If you want to join Crew 204, you must fill out a BSA Youth Application. If you are a member of BSA TROOP 204 you still have to fill out another application for CREW 204. Important, at the top of the application page is a section with the word TRANSFER.

All Adult Crew members must take Youth Protection - Venturing Version before you can submit an application. This maybe taken online. If you are a Youth member of the Crew, and are over 18 years old, you must take Youth Protection, standard version to interact with the Troop on joint events. This is required by Troop 204's Committee.

Physicals, If you are a member of Troop 204, you should already have a Scout Physical and it is valid for the Crew also. For anyone not a member of Troop 204, a physical signed by the parent or guardian is sufficient for any event less than 72 hours long and NOT involving strenuous activity or high adventure. For the real fun stuff involving high adventure a doctor signed BSA physical is required.

In the near future, the Adult Inventory Form and the Youth Planning Form will be available on this website. The Adult Inventory form is a listing of all of the skills and knowledge that the adults can bring to the Crew. The Youth Planning Form is the listing of all of the things that the Youth members WANT to do. By matching up the two forms, we come up with list of things it is POSSIBLE to do. From this the Crew calendar will be generated.






















Please note that the crew logo on this page and on the Facebook page are fabrications of the webmaster. If you have a better idea contact the webmaster

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Request to join the
Crew 204


Venturing related discussions and updates. Moderated by our webmaster.


If you are logged in to your facebook account, the above links will take you to the Troop Venturing facebook page.



Marietta United Methodist Church
Marietta, GA