Marietta, Georgia



Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean & Reverent

12 Great Reasons to Join Troop 204!



 About Us


 Annual Plans

 Contact 204







 Summer Camp

 Merit Badges






 Pack 204

 Crew 204














Merit Badge Hint #1 - Get the blue card from the Scoutmaster (summer camp merit badges do not need the blue card.

Merit Badge Hint # 2 - Do not try to schedule a meeting with your merit badge counselor DURING a troop meeting.

Merit Badge Hint #3 - actually read the requirements and the merit badge book BEFORE asking the counselor to sign off on a requirement.

Merit Badge Hint #4 - anything you did BEFORE you got the blue card DOES NOT COUNT.




Model Design and Building Merit Badge





Cycling Merit Badge





Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge

Note: First Aid Merit Badge is a prerequisite for this merit badge





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774 Roswell Street -  Marietta, GA 
Copyright © 2003 Scout Troop 204 Marietta, GA USA